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Everything Can Be

Selasa, 28 April 2015

Happy Birthday to My Girl

Alhamdulillah....puji dan syukur ke hadirat Allah SWT...sholawat dan salam senantiasa tercurah pada baginda Nabi Muhammad Saw, 19 years ago, my girl was after day..year after year we passed in fun, excitement, sadness, fighting, sorrow together. But we can get through with help of Allah SWT.

How happy, proud and touched jumbled in my chest ... my girl has been growing into a mature woman. Alhamdulillah, for 19 years..healthy and cheerfullness always accompany her steps ..all the grace of Allah.

O Allah, give Your blessings, Your fortune, Your amenities , keep her in every step, and in every her breath she always remember You, whisper Your name in her heart and mind.
Meet her with her soulmate, someone who have a good morals, pious men, who can be her friend for religious affairs, the world and the afterlife. Amin Yra.

I will always pray for you in every my prayers.

Fully love...

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